Parian Capital is seeking to provide investors with attractive real estate investment
returns in
- residential land development
- residential single-family and multi-family
development projects
- commercial income producing real estate
We do this by providing capital to local developers who have a proven track record
and by acquiring and managing, income producing properties.
The opportunity to provide capital at attractive returns to this segment of the real
estate industry is a direct result of the dramatic reductions in property values
experienced during the early 1990’s and the sharply curtailed availability of real
estate credit. Many traditional sources of funding, including savings and loan
institutions and commercial banks, reduced or eliminated their real estate
lending activities in response to the overbuilding and the related loan loss experiences
of these institutions during the 1980’s real estate boom.
Notwithstanding the cyclical real estate downturn, which is now beyond its nadir,
there still remain numerous excellent real estate development
opportunities for which developers cannot obtain adequate institutional financing.
In particular, the demand for affordable residential developments in a number of
markets remains strong. In these markets, developers have increasingly turned to
private sources of real estate capital. It is the business of Parian Capital
to provide a portion of such additional capital frequently referred to as ‘mezzanine
financing’ or ‘participating mortgage' debt.